by Jeff Chang | Jan 20, 2022 | Governmental Benefits, Health Coverage, Plan Administration, Retiree Health
Due to the rising costs of health care and health insurance, pressure from union bargaining partners, and the application of the “equal contribution rule” for public agencies that provide health coverage through CalPERS, many California cities and special districts...
by Jeff Chang | Jan 18, 2018 | Pension, Retiree Health
By Jeff Chang Substantial confusion exists about whether the assets of an Internal Revenue Code section 115 trust created to fund pension or OPEB (retiree health) obligations may be used to offset the overall pension or OPEB liabilities that public employers are...
by Jeff Chang | Jul 9, 2014 | Health Coverage, Retiree Health
By: Jeff Chang Now that the general economic situation and public agency finances appear to be improving, a number of municipalities and special districts are once again looking at their unfunded OPEB (other post-employment benefits) liabilities with an eye to getting...